Sigurd Rompza, born in 1945 in Bildstock, lives and works in Germany.

Sigurd Rompza insists on the fact that he pushes the observer to partake in his work, and this as well as a whole generation of artists of the 20th century. The origin of this partake is the movement created by the eye to analyse what it see in the space. The lineal relief of the form, plays here on the flat surface of the wall, again the eye follow its development, the observer is partake in an unknowing movement. His light objects are in fact forms colours that leave the eye appreciate the beginning of a movement of a volume.Rompza’s wall objects and reliefs are invitations to the observers to take different perspectives and to make a closer look: the relationship of surfaces and their color depending on the location, the changing influence of light on the effect of colors and forms, about the way our vision works in principle.

“To create objects specifically for sensual cognizance” is Sigurd Rompza’s declared goal, and one he has unfailingly pursued for many years with great artistic skill and conceptual clarity. His Sehstücke are designed in a way such, that they address in and of themselves the process of seeing. “To work in the visual arts is necessarily to address the ‘nature of seeing’. And the ‘nature of seeing’ means how seeing takes place. The act of seeing is not static but unfolds in time as a procession of correspondences: the ambiguous interrelation of visual elements, medial equivocation, shifting spaces, the relation of colour to form, and open-ended pictorial cycles. Works of art conceived with seeing in mind allow for productive ways of seeing, i.e. of seeing form, of seeing colours in motion, light, shadow, interiors as exteriors, and vice versa.” 


Spitziges gelb

Year: 1986-1998/51 2/3
Material: acrylic paint on aluminium
Dimensions: 100 x 14 x 9 cm


